Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hail to Kale!!

The vegan world is abuzz with this hottest new taste treat: Kale Chips.

Just Google it if you don't believe me.

So of course, trend-setter that I am, I had to make my very own kale chips and I guess today was just cooking and blogging day, and it's not even raining. (For those of you who don't follow this blog regularly, rain inspires me.)

So here it is -- be the first on your block to host a party featuring: Kale Chips.
Now, admittedly, they are not pretty. Let this be a lesson to us -- beauty is truly in the eye, or taste buds of the beholder.

All I did, while the oven pre-heated to 375 -- and yes, I could have used my dehydrator, but it was 15 minutes in the oven and 7 hours in the dehydrator (give or take) and I wanted immediate gratification, but of course.

I tore up the kale into hearty chip size portions, allowing for shrinkage (a la Seinfeld).
And put all of the pieces of kale into a large pasta style bowl.

In a smaller bowl, I poured about 1/2 cup or so of this incredible Napa Valley balsamic/lemon vinegar; I added a healthy sprinkle of nutritional yeast to give the chips a cheesy flavor, and then my stand-by seasoning of sea salt, with herbs such as rosemary, thyme and basil.

I mixed the small bowl ingredients together and then poured this mixture over the kale pieces, then mixed the kale pieces with my hands to massage in the wet mixture.

On a baking sheet (or two if you got carried away), I placed each piece singularly, but touching so I could put more on the sheet, remember: shrinkage. About 1/2 way through the baking, say at approximately 7.5 minutes, I took out the baking sheet and turned, fluffed, fondled, and removed chips as appropriate.

And when they were crispy, voila! A healthy, but ugly, taste treat. Gordon even tried one and swallowed (as opposed to the nori covered with sesame paste which he had to spit into the garbage.)

When could you use these? Flavor wise, a large bowl of them would be great for a party, but really, honestly, they are just too ugly to put out for entertainment.

Personally, I would make them if I was in the mood for something like popcorn to munch on during a movie. This would be a healthy alternative and the lights would be out so you wouldn't have to look at them. Just saying....

1 comment:

  1. MMMMM Kale chips. I too have bought them and then tried making them. I like the ones I bought alot more than the ones I made myself (usually its the other way around). I like your blog! Have a super day!!!


The Story Behind the Garden of Eden Vegan Blog

For those of you who knew me prior to December 30, 2009, I was a veteran of the fast food culinary institute. My son, when he lived with me would ask if I had ordered the "Shabbat pizza" yet as the sun was setting Friday nights.

My idea of a good meal was a McFish sandwich, fries with extra salt, and a medium diet coke.

Everything was better covered in a rich creamy sauce and the idea of a naked baked potato was as foreign to me as walking naked in Manhattan.

In June of 2009 I decided to formally become a vegetarian. Although I had dabbled with this, it was not until I read Skinny Bitch that the gauntlet was thrown.

Now being a vegetarian does not sign you up for good health. I was proof of that. Chubby when I started, I indulged in pizza, french fries, cheese, cheese, butter, cheese, pizza......and became very over weight, tipping the Toledos at 200 pounds at 5'4". And taking an assortment of meds for cholesterol and GERD and who knows what else.

As the decade was waning, and with my 60th birthday approaching in the year 2010, there was a perfect storm that snapped my beak and got me in gear. The same friend who gave me Skinny Bitch, turned me on to the John McDougall website. At the same time, there was a Grand Round lecture at the hospital where I work on the book Eat to Live, and at the same time, I was tired of how I looked and felt and needed to make a change.

I regret that I did not start this blog when I changed my lifestyle, but it is better late than never.

My weight is down about 35 pounds, my size has gone from a tight 16 to a loose 12. And I am on no meds, although my vegetarian doctor and I will review my blood work within this month to see if I need anything (like b12) boosted.

I began as a Vegan Minus. Or what I call a Garden of Eden Vegan.

As you know, a Vegan eats no animals nor animal products - none. But then I subtracted oil, sugar, and processed foods.

That is a big subtraction -- but it is this subtraction that helped with weight loss, lack of cravings, increased energy, health, and vibrancy.

Now I am dabbling in raw foods and have signed up to learn with Russell James (google him).

I like the taste and health aspect of raw foods, but worry about the increased calories. So I will (hopefully) use the raw creations as a supplement to my Gan (Hebrew for Garden -- I am in a Hebrew mood today) Eden Vegan lifestyle.

My doctor said that I should write a book about this since most of her patients need it. I said, "Who, or how many, would want to do this?" We shall see. It has been easy (no cravings) and exciting as life and energy unfold before me, just as it was meant to be. (It didn't unfold over a fried fish sandwich, extra tarter sauce.)

Join me or not. Walk with me the whole journey, day trips, part of it, or not. This is my 60th year -- buckle up life, here I come.